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Adaptation of students who applied for the student amnesty by September 15 has been made. The implementation has been made according to the new code of 7417 and its article 35th and the temporary article 83 added to the Code of 2547, which was enforced after being published in the Official Newspaper issued on July 5, 2002, with the number 31887. You can check your status on this webpage.
Registration for the programs will be made on February 1 to 3, 2023. While the tuition fees should be paid by the reaccepted students with their student ID number through either at a Vakifbank ATM or a Vakifbank branch on January 23 to 27, 2023.
Those who have been admitted in the course stage, PhD proficiency stage, or thesis stage should register for their program with the related program coordinator.
Those who have been admitted in the stage of Scientific Preparatory also have to submit the Scientific Preparatory document to the ITU Registrar’s Office. Students must e-mail Scientific Preparatory Course Registration Document to address. You can download the document here.
Students who were admitted in the English Preparatory Stage just have to pay the tuition fees. They will not make any registration for now.