Announcement About 2022-2023 Spring Semester Ph.D. Proficiency Exam Applications

by Abdurrahman Durmaz | Mar 10, 2023
Applications for the 2022-2023 Spring Semester Ph.D. proficiency exam will be received on the website of between 9-22 March 2023.
Dear Ph.D. Student,

Applications for the 2022-2023 Spring Semester Ph.D. proficiency exam will be received on the website of between 9-22 March 2023. In order to apply, it is necessary to register in the system first. Your e-mail address with the extension is required for registration, and the registration process must be completed by clicking the activation link that will be sent by the system to this e-mail address. After the registration process is completed, the application can be made by logging into the system. In case of problems that may be encountered on the subject, you can contact us via ITU YARDIM.

Note: The transcript to be uploaded to the system must be an approved transcript prepared by the ITU Registrar's Office.

We wish you a nice day,
Graduate School

Announcement About 2022-2023 Spring Semester Ph.D. Proficiency Exam Applications

by Abdurrahman Durmaz | Mar 10, 2023
Applications for the 2022-2023 Spring Semester Ph.D. proficiency exam will be received on the website of between 9-22 March 2023.
Dear Ph.D. Student,

Applications for the 2022-2023 Spring Semester Ph.D. proficiency exam will be received on the website of between 9-22 March 2023. In order to apply, it is necessary to register in the system first. Your e-mail address with the extension is required for registration, and the registration process must be completed by clicking the activation link that will be sent by the system to this e-mail address. After the registration process is completed, the application can be made by logging into the system. In case of problems that may be encountered on the subject, you can contact us via ITU YARDIM.

Note: The transcript to be uploaded to the system must be an approved transcript prepared by the ITU Registrar's Office.

We wish you a nice day,
Graduate School