2021 January - June PhD Thesis Proposal and Study Reports Deadline Postponement

by Gökhan Güler | Jun 15, 2021
Deadline for 2021 January-June thesis proposal and study reports has been postponed to 31 July 2021.

Deadline for 2021 January-June thesis proposal and study reports has been postponed to 31 July 2021.

This date is changed due to pandemic conditions and will be reverted back to end of June for January-June period and end of December for July-December period after the pandemic.

PhD students who took "additional time due to pandemic and disasters" must still deliver their thesis proposal/study reports in time, since it does not count as semester freezing. Those who does not will be recorded as failed.

2021 January - June PhD Thesis Proposal and Study Reports Deadline Postponement

by Gökhan Güler | Jun 15, 2021
Deadline for 2021 January-June thesis proposal and study reports has been postponed to 31 July 2021.

Deadline for 2021 January-June thesis proposal and study reports has been postponed to 31 July 2021.

This date is changed due to pandemic conditions and will be reverted back to end of June for January-June period and end of December for July-December period after the pandemic.

PhD students who took "additional time due to pandemic and disasters" must still deliver their thesis proposal/study reports in time, since it does not count as semester freezing. Those who does not will be recorded as failed.